Ever wonder how businesses rank locally when performing a Google Search? I did, so I set off on a mission to uncover a consistent method to help boost a business’s local ranking. In my very first publication, Local SEO – A Roadmap To Successful Local Ranking.

I walk you through some of the best Local SEO techniques to get a business not only discovered locally but ranked. Whenever you perform a Google search, Google’s algorithm takes over and provides result listings that best match the criteria according to Google’s page and domain ranking factors. For those that don’t quite understand ranking factors, let me explain. Each page and domain has a ranking value. These are typically called Page and Domain Authority. The higher the authority the higher the page will rank. Google and other search engines determine a page’s rank or authority based on various search metrics including content, keywords, number of backlinks, age of the website, title, header tags, images and so on.
For any given localized search, the results are usually broken out by
- Paid Advertising – Shown at the top and bottom of the listings Local Business listings –
- Business listings from Google Maps Organic Search Results –
- Everything else
In this book, Local SEO – A Roadmap To Successful Local Ranking, I focus on the Local Business Listings and how anyone using my methods can boost their local presence on the web.
Businesses that don’t have a local presence or local establishment can still benefit by creating localized pages. Essentially pages that are specific to the location or locations being targeted. With Local SEO it’s all about local signals and local terms that help boost the page’s local authority.
If you are looking to boost your business’s local presence on the internet, you need to read my new book Amazon’s Local SEO – A Roadmap to Successful Local Ranking.