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Local SEO is going to be big business in 2017.  Local SEO for businesses in 2017 and the rise of mobile and knowing Local SEO search statistics and how to capitalize on them, will enable local businesses to beat out their competition and gain more traffic and sales in the process.

It’s important that every business who wants to excel locally, have a Local SEO game plan.  One of the best ways to do that is to hire a Local SEO Consultant who can guide a company in Local SEO best practices or perform the work for them.

Local SEO For Businesses In 2017

Here are some Local SEO Search Statics that might surprise you.

  • 93% of searches with local intent display in what is known as the Google 3-pack.
  • 50% of consumers who performed local searches on their smart phone visited a store within a day.
  • 18% of local searches lead to a sale.
  • 87% of phone users perform at least 1 search a day.
  • 60% of Americans use either a smart phone or tablet to perform local searches for products or services.
  • 50% of mobile searches are looking for a business name, address, phone or service information.
  • 78% of mobile searches lead to physical purchases offline
  • 71% of mobile look up business address for directions
  • 33% of smart phone searches were made right before store visits
  • 89% of users surveyed searched for local business at least once a week, 58% surveyed performed searches once daily.
  • 46% of all searches on Google are Local.

Infographic by- GO Globe Hong Kong

93% of searches with local intent display in what is known as the Google 3-pack

When you perform a local search many times what is known at the Google 3-pack will appear within the search listing or SERP.  Top ranking in the Google 3-pack not only drives traffic to your website, but will also outrank organic listings, placing your website above them.

93% of searches with local intent display in what is known as the Google 3-pack

50% of consumers who performed local searches on their smart phone visited a store within a day

As technology evolves and smart phones and other smart devices become more widely used, people will use these device to locate and visit stores near by.  Google Maps, iPhone Maps and other mapping software have made using a phone a necessity to not only locate stores, but to get directions to them.

18% of local searches lead to a sale

If you’re not competing on the internet and don’t have a website presence you’re losing sales.  Every day people are using their smart phones to locate stores and business and as a result many of those searches lead to sales.

87% of phone users perform at least 1 search a day

With smart phones being so readily available and easy to use, people have become to rely on their phones to read emails, search the web more than they use their phones for actual conversation.  All you have to do is visit any cafe, restaurant, sports event, you name it and you will see people looking at their smart phones texting, searching and playing games.

60% of Americans use either a smart phone or tablet to perform local searches for products or services

10 years ago the idea of using a smart phone to perform local searches was just that an idea.  Today however smart phone have become portable computers that rival in power and speed computers of the past.   Every phone and tablet advancement lowers the price point of entry level devices allowing more and more Americans to own one.

50% of mobile searches are looking for a business name, address, phone or service information

Business Name, Address and Phone Number known as NAP (Name, Address and Phone) is used by Google My Business to display a business prominently on the side of a search. With the rise of Mobile Searches people who search on a company’s name can quickly get an address if the company has listed their business name, address and phone number with services such as Google My Business.

Google My Business NAP Google SERP Listing

78% of mobile searches lead to physical purchases offline

For businesses that are not available online, they just lost a ton of business from mobile users.  Today it’s not just good enough to have a website presence, you also want to have your products available for purchase online.  Wordpress and other content management systems have e-commerce plugins that help organize and streamline online purchases.

71% of mobile look up business address for directions

Again referring back to NAP (Name, Address and Phone) it is important to not only have your address available via your website, but to also have it available on services such as Google My Business.

33% of smart phone searches were made right before store visits

Many shoppers are now using their smart phones to check on store hours, product listings and company addresses before visiting the store.  In many cases these mobile checks are done just prior to store visits.  Not having store hours, an address and phone number and products can make or break easy sales.

89% of users surveyed searched for local business at least once a week, 58% surveyed performed searches once daily

Mobile users are shopping local and using the mobile devices to search daily on potential product purchases.

46% of all searches on Google are Local

Roughly 50% of all search traffic on Google is geared towards local interests and shopping.  This is rather remarkable since companies such as Amazon take a huge chunk of online purchases.

Local SEO – A Roadmap To Successful Local Ranking

For those that are new to Local SEO I wrote a book called Local SEO – A Roadmap To Successful Local Ranking that shows businesses how to rank locally.
