Recently I wrote an article on the Top Urethane Dumbbell Reviews. The goal of the article was to increase the word count beyond 1000 words, preferably 2000 words or more and talk exclusively about urethane dumbbells.
I have found over the years of doing SEO, that review content can be easy to rank in Google if you take the time to do research. The cool part is if the article is written correctly it can start to rank for all sorts of long-tail keywords. Some of the best articles I have written include articles where I review several brands. I usually like to review at least 5 to 10 products in one article.

To do this, I researched all the companies that make a really good product and in this example, my research focused on Urethane Dumbbells and the companies who make them. I then go about writing a long content article showcasing each companies product. I included lots of pictures and make sure to name the images and use Alt tags for each image. Not only does this help the article, but it also has the added benefit of images showing up in Google’s image search.
For example, in the image below I named it “American Barbell Urethane Dumbbells.jpg” and then used the alt tag “American Barbell Urethane Dumbbell 50 pounds”

I used videos and tables to help boost engagement and lower bounce rates.

As part of the writing process, I also reach out to each company that is showcased in the article asking if I can get a review sample. Having samples not only provides an opportunity for more unique images, but it also allows you to get a better understanding of what the product can do and give you more ideas to write about.
Let me know what you think and what you do to write long content.